Manuscripts will undergo a double-blind peer review process.
Submitting contributions
Submissions (preferably Word for PC) should follow the style sheet guidelines and should be sent via email ( to the editor-in-chief, Dr. Krisztina Kodó in an attached file, and should include the following:
- Title of contribution
- Author's name and surname/s
- Institutional affiliation
- email address
- A 250 word abstract followed by a list of five to eight keywords.
Stylesheet for submissions
- Length of articles 5000 to 7000 words, Times New Roman, font size 12;
- (1,5 spacing, 1st paragraph of article not indented, indentation from the 2nd paragraph)
- Length of book reviews 1500 to 2500 words, Times New Roman, font size 12;
For article format please use Template
- abstract (100-150 words)
- keywords (not more than 5)
Ethical guidelines: potential authors will subscribe to a personal ethical code. If plagiarism is detected during the peer review process, the manuscript will be rejected. If it is detected after publication, it will be corrected or retracted. Plagiarism includes copying text, images, or data from another source, even from your own publications, without giving credit to the original source.
- Use double quotation marks (a.k.a. inverted commas " ") for quotes of four lines or less and single quotation marks for quotes within quotes or for speech within a quotation. When a quotation is four lines or more, it must be indented as a separate paragraph without quotation marks (see Template).
- A quote within an indented quotation requires single quotation marks (' ').
- Commas and periods must be placed after the quotation marks, but the symbols for interrogation or exclamation intrinsic to the quote's meaning should be kept within the quotation marks.
- Omissions within quoted text are indicated by a space, three consecutive periods between brackets and another space.
- If you need to quote a source taken from another source, give information about the original source in the running text and include "cited in" in your in-text citation for the secondary source. Include only the secondary source in the reference list.
- References must be made within the text and placed within parentheses containing the author's surname followed by the date of publication with no comma between, and the page(s) from which the quotation is taken with a colon and a space between the year of publication and the page number(s): (Barton 2004: 130-147).
- If the text includes the author's name or the date of publication, that information must not be repeated in the parentheses. When several authors are cited in parenthetical documentation, references should be arranged chronologically and alphabetically, and separated by a semicolon: (McLoone 2000; Pettitt 2000; Barton and Harvey 2004)
Works Cited:
A list of works cited must be provided at the end of articles.
Entries must be arranged alphabetically by the last name of the author, and they should appear hanging indented.
In accordance with the author-date reference system described above, the following format must be observed:
- author's surname
- first name, or initial
- year of publication (in parentheses)
- title of work in italics
- place of publication followed by a colon and a space
- publisher
- pages (if it is an article/chapter)
Cross reference search:
Please include in your list of critical sources for each critical source the DOI numbers available.
- Bowyer Bell, J. (1969). "Ireland and the Spanish Civil War, 1936-1939". Studia Hibernica 9: 137-163.
- Frye, Northrop (1957a). Anatomy of Criticism: Four Essays. Princeton: Princeton UP.
- _____ (1957b). Sound and Poetry. New York: Columbia UP.
- Heaney, Seamus (1966). Death of a Naturalist. London: Faber and Faber.
- McGahern, John (2002). That They May Face the Rising Sun. London: Faber and Faber.
- O'Toole, Fintan (2002). "There go the good times". The Irish Times. 28 December. [retrieved: 22/03/2007]
Please note that:
- Surnames should NOT be written in block capitals in the works cited list, and first names should preferably be written in full (see above).
- When an author has published more than one work in the same year, small letters (a, b, c) follow the date of publication.
- When the publication date of a first edition is given, it is placed in parentheses after the date of the edition used.
- Material found on the Internet: If an article has been viewed or downloaded from an online journal, the name of the journal is written in italics, followed by its URL (no underlining or blue), and the date of access.
Footnotes should be limited to authorial commentary that cannot be easily accommodated into the body of the text. They must not be used to make references that should appear in parenthetical documentation within the text.
Policy on storing submissions in repositories:
Papers published in the journal may be archived and redistributed both in electronic form and in hard copy, provided that the author and journal are properly cited and no fee is charged for access.