Freeside Europe Online Academic Journal

Freeside Europe Online Academic Journal

Modern cultural, literary and linguistic perspectives

André Dodeman: Writing the Province in David Adams Richards's Miramichi Trilogy


Since the publication of The Coming of Winter in 1974, David Adams Richards's fiction has focused on the building of Maritime identity in the Miramichi Valley in New Brunswick, Canada. Over the years, many critics have debated his work, and certain academic circles in Toronto and Quebec have considered it less innovating than more recent postmodern novels because of its bleak realism. This essay will first deal with how Richards defines authenticity through his fictional construction of time and landscape. The effect of the writer's representation of time evokes the timelessness of peripheral provincial towns as opposed to urban centres. Secondly, Richards's notion of authenticity contrasts with the artificial nature of the centre which is often associated with the city.

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ISSN 1786-7967

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