Freeside Europe Online Academic Journal

Freeside Europe Online Academic Journal

Modern cultural, literary and linguistic perspectives

Issue 9 (April 2019)

This issue of Freeside, the online journal of Kodolányi János University, continues the theme of crossing time, space and cultures. In so doing, it seeks to draw together diverse perspectives on language, literature and culture in and through the medium of English. In April 2019 the Department of Language and Literature of KJE hosted its 1st international online conference entitled Linguistics, Literature, and Translation Across Time and Space, where a conference participants were able to present in person but also online, thereby fusing the advantages of real, face-to-face contact with its multilayer opportunities for personal interaction with the possibility of joining on a virtual platform and enabling participation for those unable to travel to Budapest, Hungary.


Papers presented at the conference provided the starting point for this issue of Freeside, since the ideas expressed there have formed the basis for many of the contributions. Themes of suffering and identify link several of the articles (Mohácsi, Wertheimer and Klosi). Ways in which suffering challenges identity and leads to consequences, both internal and external, are presented, as is the need for confronting the past in order to reconstruct identity. Other papers range across genres and disciplines, from Restoration theatre practice (Kodó and Torralbo Caballero) through translation as creating performance text (Klosi) and literary analysis (Jedlica, Babeljuk), to linguistics and applied linguistics. The transformation over time of the English language is touched upon by looking back at the state of negation in Middle English (Albert and Szitó). Jumping to the present, borrowing from English in the creative naming of Hungarian gastrobusinesses and the subjective beliefs and perceptions of students about English language and literature (Szele) are explored. The far-ranging articles of this issue reflect the myriad aspects researched through diverse, but related approaches by the authors. The authors themselves represent international research into English Studies illustrating the scope offered by multidisciplinary perspectives.


ISSN 1786-7967

8000 Székesfehérvár, Rákóczi u. 25. Hungary